If your vehicle breaks down, the following tips can help get you through this event safely:
- Turn on your hazard lights.
- Stay calm — it can be frustrating and scary when your vehicle breaks down — take a few moments to gather your composure.
- Pull over to the side of the road, if possible.
- If you are unable to exit a highway, pull over to the right side of the road. Move your vehicle as far away from oncoming traffic as possible.
- Shut off your vehicle.
- Exit the car on the non-traffic side and raise the hood to alert other drivers that your vehicle is inoperable.
- Stand away from the car when calling roadside assistance. Do not stand in front of your vehicle — if your car is sideswiped, it could move forward and cause injury.
- If you have a roadside emergency kit, carefully place flares or reflective triangles in safe locations around your car to alert oncoming vehicles — do not place them too close to your vehicle or flammable debris.
- If you do not have a cell phone, and it is safe, walk to a nearby public place for help while keeping your eye on traffic and remaining alert. Do not cross a freeway or highway.
- Do not try to repair your vehicle on the side of the road even if you have flares or reflective warning devices.