Safety Tips for First-Time School Bus Drivers

Being a school bus driver comes with a lot of responsibility. Afterall, you are charged with safely transporting young children to and from school every day. This is a lot for experienced bus drivers to handle, but it’s even more pressing for first-time drivers.

With a school-bus driver shortage, there are a lot of first-time drivers on routes this school year.


To ensure you are taking the proper precautions, it’s important to follow all safety procedures and tips– especially for first-time school bus drivers who might still be learning their new roles.

Preform Pre-trip Inspections

Before taking the bus out of the lot, ensure that it is prepped and ready for your route. This can include checking the fuel levels, inspecting the tires, and ensuring all mirrors are functioning and in the correct positions. Some operations might provide drivers with a pre-trip checklist to complete before beginning their route.

Get an Up-close Look at Your Surroundings

When on your route, never guess at what’s surrounding the bus, or how much distance is between the bus and an object. School buses are large vehicles and it can be difficult to make certain turns. Before assuming and increasing the risk of getting into an accident, take an up-close look at your surroundings – even if it means getting out of the bus to check.

Know the Equipment in the Bus

Make sure you know what all of the gages and levers are on the bus, and how to use them. It’s also important to know what the various lights and signals on the dashboard mean so you’re prepared in case the vehicle starts to malfunction.

Pay Attention to – and Follow – all Road Signs

Safety should be a driver’s top priority. He or she needs to follow all traffic and road signs. This includes following the speed limit, stopping when required, yielding as needed, and obeying all traffic laws.

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Drivers need to ensure they are always focused when driving the school bus. This can be difficult when there are dozens of kids talking behind them. It’s key for drivers to be able to block out the noise and keep his or her eyes on the road. This also means cell phones and any other distractions should be avoided while operating the vehicle.

Give Yourself Plenty of Room to Stop

School buses are large, and therefore require more room to come to a complete stop than your personal vehicle. Make sure you give yourself plenty of space between other vehicles, pedestrians and other obstacles when coming to a stop. Practice driving and stopping before beginning your route to ensure you have plenty of time to get used to the tendencies required to operate the vehicle.

Make Sure all Kids Are Off the Bus

Unfortunately, occasionally kids remain on the bus after a driver’s route is completed. To ensure the safety of each child and that he or she gets home safely it’s important for bus drivers to check the bus at the end of each day to ensure all students are off the bus.

Back to School Car Maintenance Tips

With fall right around the corner, students are turning their focus on going back to school. Many of them own cars to get back and forth to campus and even a part-time job, and now is the perfect time for them to perform a few car maintenance tasks that are sure to keep their cars in tip-top shape. Whether they’re simply commuting, or find themselves driving around out-of-state, we’ve got a few tips for students to keep their semester free and clear of car problems.

Basic Maintenance

Right now is the perfect time for students to perform any basic maintenance that may be pending for their cars. Oil changes, tire rotations, and filter replacements should be routine and will help extend the life of the vehicle. Topping off all the fluids – brakes, coolant and transmission – will help the engine to run smoothly and avoid damage. Students should also top off the windshield wiper fluid and check the status of their wiper blades in case they need a replacement – all in the name of good visibility!


The easiest way to avoid having battery problems is to keep in mind that batteries have a lifespan between three and five years. Students should keep track of when the battery was initially installed and replace it accordingly. There is nothing more frustrating than getting into a car and finding out it won’t start. A mechanic can routinely check the voltage of the battery with a multimeter.

Check Those Brakes

Faulty or worn down brakes can impede a driver’s ability to come to a quick stop – making an accident more likely. Students can avoid this by having a professional mechanic check the vehicle’s brakes while performing any routine maintenance.

Tread Lightly

Maintaining proper tire pressure is important for several reasons. Poor pressure affects fuel economy and can cause fewer miles per gallon, while wear and tear increases and causes owners to replace their tires sooner than normal. Tires are costly, and a great way to save money is to keep a tire gauge in the car and make it a habit to check the tire pressure once a month.

Turn the Lights on

Failing lights impair a driver’s ability to see the road clearly and in turn makes it more difficult to be seen by other cars. By turning the lights on while the vehicle is in park, owners should walk around the car to make sure the headlights, rear lights, blinkers and hazard lights are working properly. Replacing bulbs is easy and inexpensive and should pose no challenge to a student.

Be Ready for an Emergency

In a perfect world, all of these precautions should minimize the likelihood of unexpected car trouble, but since we all know that’s impossible it’s important for everyone to keep an emergency kit in their car. The emergency kit should contain a pair of gloves, jumper cables, bottled water, a flashlight, a tire repair kit, a first aid kit, a basic tool kit, a hazard triangle, and even a small amount of cash. Many will think this is overkill, but it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to a roadside emergency.


5 Tips for Maintaining Your Truck’s Engine Health

As a truck owner, it’s crucial to keep your vehicle in top-notch condition, especially when it comes to the engine. The engine is the heart of your truck, and maintaining its health should be a top priority. Here are five tips that will help you maintain your truck’s engine health and keep it running smoothly for years to come.

Regular Oil Changes

One of the most critical things you can do to maintain your truck’s engine health is to change the oil regularly. Engine oil is responsible for lubricating the engine’s moving parts, and over time, it can break down and become contaminated with dirt and debris. This can cause significant damage to your engine, leading to costly repairs.

To avoid this, you should change your oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, depending on your truck’s make and model. Be sure to use high-quality oil and filters to ensure maximum protection for your engine.

Check Fluid Levels

In addition to changing your oil, you should also check your truck’s fluid levels regularly. This includes the coolant, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, and brake fluid. Low levels of any of these fluids can cause significant damage to your engine and other critical components.

To check your fluid levels, consult your truck’s owner manual for guidance on how to access the various reservoirs. Once you have located the reservoir, check the fluid levels and add more if necessary.

Keep Your Engine Clean

A clean engine is a healthy engine. Dirt, debris, and oil build-up can cause significant damage to your engine and reduce its lifespan. Regularly cleaning your engine can help prevent this.

To clean your engine, first, make sure it is cool. Then, cover sensitive parts such as the alternator and distributor with plastic bags or a towel. Next, use a degreaser to break down any built-up grime, followed by a high-pressure washer to remove the debris. Finally, let the engine dry completely before starting it.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your truck’s engine in top-notch condition. This includes things like changing the air filter, spark plugs, and timing belt. Failing to maintain these critical components can cause significant damage to your engine and other parts of your truck.

Consult your truck’s owner manual for guidance on when to perform these maintenance tasks. If you’re not comfortable performing them yourself, take your truck to a professional mechanic who can do it for you.

Drive Responsibly

Finally, driving responsibly is key to maintaining your truck’s engine health. Aggressive driving, excessive idling, and carrying heavy loads can cause significant wear and tear on your engine, leading to costly repairs and reduced lifespan.

To keep your engine healthy, drive responsibly by avoiding sudden accelerations and decelerations, reducing your speed when carrying heavy loads, and avoiding excessive idling.

In conclusion, maintaining your truck’s engine health requires a combination of regular maintenance, responsible driving, and attention to detail. By following these five tips, you can help ensure that your truck’s engine stays healthy and running smoothly for years to come.

What To Do With A Flooded Vehicle

The introduction of flood-water into your vehicle is never a good thing, but if your vehicle has been in flood waters, there is a list of things you’ll need to know. The first thing is do not start the car, nor should you power the car on with the key. Get the car out of water as quickly as possible, disconnect the battery, and start the recovery process as soon as you can. The longer your car sits in water, especially muddy water or salt water, the greater potential damage to key systems.

If you’re repairing water damage yourself, try the following steps. We advise contacting your insurance company quickly in any flooding situation.

Repairing a Flooded Car, Once Outside of Water

1. Do Not Start the Car

This is key. High water that is up and over the engine compartment means that water has been introduced into the intake tract, and is likely inside any cylinder that had an open intake or exhaust valve. Attempting to start the vehicle at this point will result in hydro-lock, and a damaged engine which otherwise may be repairable.


2. Disconnect the Battery

Disconnect the battery as quickly as possible. In fact, disconnecting the battery BEFORE a flood in anticipation that flooding could happen (like a hurricane) is a good practice. Many electrical items in your vehicle have “constant power” being run to them. Water mixed with electrical current will cause a failure in these components, where otherwise, simply cleaning and drying them can save them.


3. Roll Down The Windows

If possible, roll the windows down. If the windows are electric, open the doors.


4. Look For a High-Water Mark

This will give you an idea of the level of damage. It will usually be clear, especially on the interior. If the water mark is at a low level, below the dash, and water is just in the floor boards, this is the best-case scenario. If the water is up over the dash, then all the electrical components within the dash, and the engine itself have all been penetrated with water.


5. Get Any Residual Water Out Of The Car

If the water level was low enough to not penetrate the dash area, then the car is probably not a total loss. Start by getting the residual water out of the floorboards with a submersible pump and/or shop vac. You can flush these areas with fresh water and vacuum out. Along the buttom of your doors, some vehicles have plastic plugs that can be removed, and several also have these in the floor boards. Remove these plugs to let water out. If the doors have these, remove the door panels and flush the bottom of the doors out with a hose. Once all the water has been removed, you will need to put fans on the vehicle to dry out the interior quickly, or mold will develop.


6. Drain The Engine / Transmission Oil / Change

Regardless if the water level was lower than the engine, it’s best to completely drain and refill the engine oil, transmission oil, and differential fluid as all of these may have water in them.


7. Remove Spark Plugs On High-Water Vehicle

If the vehicle has been in a high-water situation where it’s suspect that the engine’s intake tract was exposed to water, you’re going to want to remove each spark plug.

The vehicle can then be either hand-spun, or cranked to check if any water is present coming out of the spark plug holes. If none is present, then water probably did not make it into the engine. Remove all the piping from the intake tract, and inspect for any mud or dirt indicating flood-water. Rinse the entire intake tract clean.


8. Check fuel system

Siphon out some gas and look for water. Water weighs more than gas, so make sure your siphon is at the bottom of the fuel tank. If you find water mixed with the gas, your tank will need to be dropped and cleaned.


9. Check Other Fluids

Brake, clutch, power steering, coolant reservoirs are sealed on most newer vehicles, but water can seep in.


10. Check Electrical Systems

If key electrical systems are below the water line, they will likely need to be replaced, although some can be flushed, cleaned and left to dry. Checking and troubleshooting flooded electrical will often be the most labor-intensive of all the checks on the vehicle.


Safety Tips for Truck Drivers On The Road

Driving safely is easier said than done. Every driver who has been trucking for any length of time knows the basic rules of the road for safety, but, every now and then, either a reminder or a few trucking safety tips can help. Staying safe on the road, particularly during winter weather can be hard, and while roadside assistance is just a phone call away if something goes wrong, no trucker wants to make that call.

Here are 9 safety tips for commercial truck drivers:

  1. Don’t change lanes too often and always signal. No matter how vigilant a driver is, the fact is that trucks have major blind spots.
  2. Take frequent breaks. Stretching and frequent exercise breaks are necessary for truckers to stay alert and they also help in terms of long-term driver health, too.
  3. Always have and maintain proper weather- and terrain-related equipment. No one wants to contend with winter weather in the mountains, and it only gets worse without tire chains.
  4. Give other drivers space. Most trucking collisions are caused when a truck hits the vehicle in front of it. Commercial trucks take a long time to brake and ensure proper distance helps avoid potential collisions.
  5. Adhere to driver hour restrictions. Perhaps the most critical part of trucking safety occurs off the road. Sleep, rest, and relaxation are all necessary components of trucker safety.
  6. Be aware of the weather. In winter, be ready to slow to below the speed limit if necessary. Try to keep a full tank to avoid fuel line condensation. Use common sense and remember that bridge surfaces can freeze, jeopardizing driver safety.
  7. Don’t forget that other drivers on the road may act erratically. Consider the use of flashers.
  8. Avoid idling the truck whenever possible, but if you must, keep the windows rolled up.
  9. If pulled over to the side of the road waiting for roadside assistance, be sure to utilize flashers, cones, and even road flares to alert fellow truck driver.

Driving safety, particularly trucking safety, involves a long series of small individual decisions. Trucking isn’t just the time spent on the road, it is a series of life choices involving sleep, rest, and relaxation as well. These trucking safety tips for truckers are a start, but making the right decision every time can help everyone get home safe and sound.

How to Drive in a Tornado

No one hopes or expects to encounter a tornado while they’re driving, but that’s exactly why you should be prepared. If you see a tornado while driving, remember to follow these tips and act on what seems best in your situation.


  • Go to the nearest solid shelter if you see a tornado in the distance. The more walls between you and a tornado, the better.
  • Drive at a 90-degree angle away from the tornado’s path.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. If the tornado is close and there is no shelter nearby, look around to see if you can safely get noticeably lower than the level of the roadway. Next, exit your car and lie in that area, covering your head with your hands.
  • If the tornado is close and there is no shelter or low-lying areas nearby, stay in the car with the seat belt on. Put your head down below the windows, covering your head with your hands and a blanket if possible.


  • Try out-running a tornado that is close by. Tornados can travel at high speeds and don’t necessarily follow the road.
  • Use unpaved roads. The strong rains that often accompany tornados can quickly make dirt or gravel roads impassable.
  • Take shelter under an overpass or a bridge as winds can accelerate and cause injury or death from flying debris.
  • Take shelter in a culvert. You can easily become trapped and risk drowning if it becomes clogged with water or debris.
  • Take shelter under your vehicle. Vehicles can easily be rolled over or even carried long distances in a tornado.

Tips For Night Driving In The Rain

Driving in heavy rain at night can be treacherous. The darkness and the weather can combine to create extremely dangerous conditions. However, you can stay safe on the road with a few simple safe driving tips.

In this blog post will discuss some tips for driving in heavy rain at night.

Tip 01: Check everything before heading out.

Before you even turn on your car, it’s important to check a few things. Make sure your car’s windshield wipers are in good working condition and that you have plenty of windshield wiper fluid.

It’s also wise to check your tires. In heavy rain, your tires can make the difference between staying on the road and hydroplaning. On slippery roads, balding tires may significantly diminish traction resulting in hydroplaning.

Lastly, check your air conditioning. Rain can cause the temperature outside to decrease, which increases the likelihood that your windows will fog up. Your A/C should be capable of keeping the temperature inside your car at the same level as the outside to prevent fogging.

Tip 02: Drive slow and stay below speed limits.

Although it may seem apparent, this point has to be made again. Driving too fast in heavy rain is a recipe for disaster. Not only will you have a hard time seeing, but you’re also more likely to lose control of your car. Avoid driving completely in severe weather if you can. However, if you must go outside, make careful to move slowly.

Tip 03: Keep hazard lights turned off and headlights on.

When your automobile is stopped on the side of the road, your hazard lights should be on. They convey to other drivers the need for caution. However, they may also be a distraction, so it’s better to leave them off when driving in a lot of rain. As for headlights, make sure they’re on so you can see and be seen by other drivers.

Tip 04: Avoid standing water.

Standing water is one of the biggest dangers of driving in heavy rain. Finding another route is best if you can’t see the ground through the water. Failure to remain safe on wet roads can result in hydroplaning.

It happens when your car’s tires begin to contact standing water rather than the road’s surface. Drivers start to hydroplane, which causes them to lose control of their cars. The driver may experience significant stress from feeling out of control.

Be sure to keep your calm at all times if you find yourself hydroplaning. Put your foot off the gas slowly and turn your automobile in the desired direction. Finally, avoid making any sharp bends or braking your car.

Tip 05: Don’t drive if you’re not comfortable.

If you don’t feel comfortable driving in certain weather conditions, don’t do it. Driving in heavy rain at night can be dangerous and stressful, not to mention the risk of hydroplaning, so only attempt it if you’re confident in your abilities. If not, wait until the weather clears up or find another way to get to your destination.

Always keep road safety as your first concern when driving in heavy rain at night. Following these safe driving tips can help ensure a safe and smooth journey.

Why Are My Brakes Making Noise?

Have you ever been confused as to the sounds coming from your vehicle when you brake? From grinding and rattling to thumping and squealing, you can learn how to decode the sounds, pinpoint their root causes, and figure out what they might mean for the health of your car.

 Common brake noises and their causes

During a commercial vehicle inspection spanning three countries on April 19, 2023, 11.3% of the vehicles inspected were marked as unfit and unsafe for roadways. Among those from the U.S., 11.5% of them were out of service for brake-related violations. Even if you don’t drive a commercial vehicle, you need to know if your car’s brakes are fit for the road. Here are the top noises to listen for that could indicate a brake-related issue in your car:

1. Grinding noise when braking

Grinding noises indicate worn-out brake pads and probably mean that their metal braking plates are rubbing against the brake rotors. If this happens, your brakes won’t work as well and can result in an increased stopping distance and a higher chance of collisions. If left too long, it may damage your rotors or other braking system components.

2. Rattling noise when braking

When you hear a rattling noise, this often indicates loose or worn components in the brake system. This could range from worn brake pads to loose calipers or even issues with the brake shims. If brake pads are too worn, this can result in a warped or distorted rotor, causing a rattle when you hit the brake.

3. Thumping sound when braking

If there’s an issue with the brake drum or rotors, this often results in a thumping sound due to uneven surfaces caused by wear and tear. When the thumping is coming from the front wheels, this can mean your brake rotors are warped or deformed.

4. Squeaking or squealing noise when braking

There are a variety of things that can cause squeaking or squealing while braking, including worn-out brake pads, glazed rotors, dirty brakes, insufficient brake lining or no lubrications on the brakes. If you notice a high-pitched sound while braking, take your car to a professional immediately.

Symptoms of bad brakes

Look out for these top symptoms your brakes could be unsafe and going bad, then take your car into a mechanic:

  • Your brake light is on
  • You hear squeaking or squealing while braking
  • You feel steering wheel vibrations while braking
  • Fluid is leaking
  • The brake pedal feels soft or spongy
  • You notice a burning smell while driving
  • The car pulls to one side 

How often should you have your brakes checked?

A good rule of thumb is to get your brakes inspected at least once a year. If you don’t drive that much, you are using good brake pads or you have good driving habits, you might not need to have them replaced that often. For other info on when to take your car in for maintenance, reference our checklist. Lastly, remember to protect yourself and your vehicle with the proper auto insurance for you.


What Are The Best Car Colors To Buy?

The color of a car isn’t always an essential deciding factor when you’re making a purchase decision. Nevertheless, it is still quite important to most buyers.

Factors That Can Influence Your Car Color Choice

Choosing the right color can be challenging, though. Aside from aesthetics, other factors like maintenance, resale value, and cost all influence what car color you choose.

Let’s examine some of these factors to find out the best car colors

Personal Taste

When selecting a car color, the buyer’s personal choice is likely the single most important factor.

Color preferences often reflect a person’s personality. Individuals who wish to stand out tend to prefer bright, bold colors that attract attention, such as yellow, red, or green. Colors such as white, silver, gray, and black may appeal to those seeking simplicity.

Choosing a color that you admire will improve your ownership experience and the satisfaction you derive from your car. You’ll feel more satisfied with your car if it comes in a shade that suits you well.


Maintaining the color of your car might be difficult. Aside from pearl hues, other colors, such as black and red, need cautious maintenance since scratches, grime, and dirt are easy to spot.

White, gray, and silver are the most straightforward colors to keep clean. Lighter hues, in contrast to most dark colors, barely show dirt. Darker colors need more effort to look attractive. The deeper the color, the more scratches you’ll notice and the longer you’ll have to spend polishing body panels.

Dark metallic hues are also more prone to wear and require more care. However, these hues are the most eye-catching when they are properly maintained.

Heat Absorption

Metal is a great conductor of heat. A car coated in a dark hue will have higher heat-absorbing tendencies. Studies have shown that darker colors absorb more heat than lighter ones. Dark-colored cars absorb more heat, making the car hotter. On the other hand, lighter colors reflect heat well.


Some car manufacturers offer models in specific colors at an additional cost. For instance, Toyota’s Pearl White color is frequently more expensive than other regular colors. Mazda’s flagship Soul Red Crystal and Machine Gray hues are likewise more costly. Getting such branded car colors costs extra money.

Resale Value

The color of a car can have an effect on its resale value. Many buyers choose to buy white, black, gray, or silver cars because they retain their value better. If your car is a flashier color, you may have difficulty selling it.

There is a common misconception that brighter hues like red increase insurance premiums. This is, however, not the case. The color of a car has no impact on its insurance. The only thing insurance companies care about is the make and model of your vehicle and how much it costs to repair and replace it, among other things.

The Best Car Colors to Buy

Grayscale (Black, white, gray, and silver) colors continue to be the most popular paint colors at dealerships. Car owners like neutral colors because they are easy to clean and retain their value.

These are some of the best car colors based on popular demand:


White is one of the best car colors because it conceals dirt, dust, and tiny scratches. Cars painted white also reflect heat effectively, keeping them cooler for longer. Compared to other car colors, white cars generally appear newer for a more extended period of time.


The sleek, glossy appearance of well-executed black paint can impart a sense of style to even the most basic vehicles. However, it fades faster than other colors. A black-colored car reflects heat poorly, and the paint coat can be expensive to maintain.


Lighter shades of gray, as opposed to black, age nicely, helping to preserve resale value. Grey cars are also straightforward to keep clean because the shade easily conceals dirt, dust, and minor damage.


Silver-colored cars have a shinier finish than gray cars, and they are excellent at hiding dirt and blemishes. Also, mud that builds on the lower panels is not as evident as on white vehicles.


Red is a popular color for sports cars because of its boldness; it makes a car appear flamboyant and sporty. It’s ideal for drivers who want to stand out in a crowd. It can also effectively conceal filth and muck. However, if the red paint gathers too much dirt, it can quickly become dull. It is a hue that requires a lot of care.


Blue is popular with drivers who want to portray a calm and composed personality. Darker blue shades convey a more confident and authoritative appearance. However, these various shades of blue are often more challenging to clean and maintain. Darker shades of blue, in particular, may highlight even the tiniest bits of dust and dirt.

5 Tips to Avoid Animal-Vehicle Collisions

Throughout the year, thousands of animal-vehicle collisions happen across the United States. Encountering wildlife while driving can be dangerous and scary. Often animals will suddenly jump onto a roadway or find themselves in busy, urban areas and in harm’s way.

Knowing what to do when you encounter a large animal on or near a roadway can save your life. Here are five tips that can reduce your risk on the road:

  1. Be vigilant. When driving in the mountains or countryside, a wild animal accident becomes a real possibility. As you drive, always pay attention to what’s around the corner. If you see signs indicating the presence of wildlife activity, slow down, practice caution, and expect the unexpected. Keep in mind that some animals move in groups. If you spot one, there may be more nearby. 
  2. Reduce your speed. If you spot an animal in the road, immediately reduce your speed and, if necessary, come to a complete stop. You want to avoid, if possible, having to slam on your brakes at the very last moment. The sooner you spot the animal, the more time you will have to safely apply the brakes and avoid a wild animal accident. If it’s a large animal, such as a deer or moose, wait for it to move out of the road. If you encounter a deer, flashing your lights or honking your horn may encourage it to move.  
  3. Avoid sharp turns. When drivers unexpectedly encounter an animal on the road, their first impulse is typically to swerve in order to avoid an animal vehicle collision. This is definitely not recommended, as a sharp turn made at the last minute can cause your car to lose control and result in a collision. 
  4. Be extra alert during dusk and dawn. There are specific times when the probability of animal accidents with cars increases. Be on your highest alert at dusk and dawn, when animals tend to be especially active. Deer is most active during evenings and nights, when they are hardest to spot. 
  5. Seasonal factors. To avoid a wild animal accident, be extra vigilant during peak season. Early autumn is mating season for moose and other animals, so they are on the move. A deer is most visible during fall and early winter. As spring approaches, deer and other animals in the wild begin venturing out with their families and can be spotted along mountain and country roads.