Dehydration can make you feel sluggish and irritable, limiting your ability to think and move. Turns out, your car can suffer from dehydration too. Like your body, your car needs fluids to run at its best, fluids like motor oil, windshield wiper fluid, and brake fluid. But while you likely check your oil and wiper fluid every few months, how often do you check your brake fluid? If you’re like most drivers, not all that often.

Checking brake fluid is easier than you think and far more important than you could ever imagine. There’s a lot riding on maintaining optimal brake fluid levels, including your safety, your car’s responsiveness, and its overall lifespan. Without brake fluid, your car or truck won’t stop when you push the brake pedal. Talk about a serious hazard!


Read on for three simple steps to checking your brake fluid at home. Please keep in mind that these instructions are general guidelines. Consult your owner’s manual for specific information about your vehicle.

  • LOCATE the brake fluid reservoir on your vehicle’s master cylinder, under the hood. Refer to the owner’s manual if you need help.
  • CHECK the brake fluid level against the “maximum” and “minimum” lines on the exterior of the reservoir. They might also be listed as “max” and “min” or similar terms, or represented by depth lines. If you see that the brake fluid is at or near the “minimum” line, it’s likely time for a brake service.
  • EXAMINE the color and clarity of your brake fluid. Old brake fluid tends to be muddy brown/black and looks like used motor oil. Like motor oil, brake fluid gets darker the more grime and debris it picks up. The dirtier it gets, the less effective it becomes. Dark brake fluid is a good sign you should consider a brake fluid flush. However, the only surefire way to know that you need a brake fluid exchange is by testing for copper levels in the fluid, a service that our friendly auto technicians can perform for you.

If checking your brake fluid level isn’t a DIY activity you’re comfortable with, no worries. Feel free to stop by your local Firestone Complete Auto Care and let our technicians take a look. It’s our job to make sure your brakes are doing theirs!


If you suspect your brake fluid level is low, it’s time to visit a professional, especially if the dashboard brake light has come on too! There could be a leak or your brake pads may need replacing. Either way, leaving it up to chance could mean a scary reduction in brake performance.


Are you considering changing your brake fluid at home? While checking your brake fluid level can be simple, changing your brake fluid isn’t. Consider leaving a brake fluid refill, change, or flush to the professionals since doing so:

  • Can require a dozen or more tools, some of which are unique to the process.
  • Exposes you to a fluid that can be extremely toxic.
  • Threatens your vehicle’s paint job, since brake fluid can eat away at it.

5 Driving Tips for Extreme Heat

The forecast in New Jersey: Hot and getting hotter. And, that can make for troublesome travel.

When the temperature increases, decrease your risk on — and off — the road with these safety tips:

1. Check your tires. You’re already checking your tire pressure every month, right? Even if you are (most of us don’t), keep a closer eye on them during the warm months. Heat can increase tire pressure rapidly.

2. Keep cool under the hood and inside your car. If you don’t remember the last time you had your engine coolant checked and flushed (mechanics recommend flushing and refilling every two years), now is probably a good time — before you hit the road. Give your air conditioning a test run, too. If it’s not cooling you down, get it serviced.

3. Act quickly if your car starts to overheat. When your car’s temperature moves above the halfway mark on the dashboard, try turning off your air conditioning and turning on your heat to give your engine a break. Pull over if it’s safe to do so, and give your engine even more of a break. Call for roadside assistance if there’s steam or smoke, and get away from the car if it’s smoke. More of a do-it-yourselfer? Be careful opening the hood of an overheated car, and don’t add coolant or water until the car cools down.

4. See to the comfort — and safety — of your passengers. Within just 10 minutes of parking your car on a 90-degree day, the interior temperature can hit 110 degrees. Don’t leave kids or pets in a parked car, even for just a few minutes, and bring plenty of water for the trip. The back seats and cargo areas of many cars don’t get as much air as the front seats, so make sure your kids, both human and furry, stay hydrated.

5. Proceed with caution in an electric car. High temperatures (and cold ones, too) can reduce the charge of your battery, sometimes by as much as 40 percent. You’ll want to take that into account when planning a trip.

Different seasons bring different car maintenance needs. Follow these tips to help make sure you and your car both stay cool in the heat.

Top 10 Tips to Successfully Maintain Your RV

These 10 handy tips will help you successfully maintain your RV and protect your investment.

1. Inspect the roof seals and seams of your RV

Be sure to inspect your RV’s roof for leaks every three months. Water leaks can occur through any open seams in your roof’s edges, vents, skylights, or air conditioning unit. Initially, water will soak into your roof’s outer wood framework and then it will seep through the inner ceiling panels causing extensive amounts of water damage. There are a number of sealants you can use to patch up your RV’s roof leak. It is important that you use a sealant compatible with the material of your RV’s roof. RV roof materials can range from: Fiberglass, Metal, EPDM (Rubber), TPO, and ALFA.

2. Tighten your RV’s wheel lug nuts and check tire pressure.

Before every RV trip, be sure to tighten your RV’s wheel lug nuts and measure tire pressure to ensure your safety on the road. Check the vehicle’s wheel lug nuts to make sure they haven’t loosened up at any point during previous travel or while in storage. Driving with loose lug nuts is dangerous and could lead to losing a wheel on the road. In addition, checking your RV’s tire pressure is important because overinflated tires may explode, doing damage to your RV, and possibly causing you to get into an accident on the road. Underinflated tires are also dangerous, creating control problems and generating more resistance on the road, which effects your gas mileage.  Tire pressure changes as temperature increases and decreases, so if your RV has been sitting all winter, your tire pressure will have significantly dropped creating an unsafe and fuel inefficient ride.

3. Check your RV’s batteries.

The last thing you want to happen on your camping trip is a dead RV battery. Some batteries have water levels and some are maintenance free. The goal for an RV’s battery is that you do your best to keep it fully charged at all times. Batteries tend to last 3-5 years. After three years, a deep-cycle battery (towable RVs) starts to lose capacity. After five years, a start-type battery (drivable RVs) starts to loose capacity.

4. Keep waste water system in good condition.

Maintenance of your RV’s waste water system includes making sure that you are using chemicals that are designed to work with each system, whether it be gray water or black water systems. In addition, you need to use adequate amounts of fluid to start the system after flushing, and make sure that you flush the system on a regular basis. If you don’t maintain your RV’s water system, you will get excessive amounts of buildup, which may cause clogging of the system, failure of operation, and valves seizing.

5. Keep your RV’s brakes maintained.

It’s important to keep your RV’s brakes maintained for your safety as well as everyone else’s on the road. Brake maintenance should be on your RV’s spring to-do checklist. Maintain the wheel bearings and make sure that they are nice and lubricated throughout the summer.  In addition, make sure your brakes still have enough material left on them and that they’re working properly so you get a good working activation in the trailer. Brake replacements can run anywhere from $300-$500. Replacements usually include a repacking of wheel bearings and replacing the seals.

6. Clean and treat your RV’s slide outs and seals.

Slide outs need to be cleaned on a regular basis so you don’t have dirt build up in and around the seals. Not cleaning your slide out could cause problems sealing your RV. To clean your RV’s slide out, you want to lubricate the slider mechanisms to make sure that they run in and out with the least amount of wear and tear on the motors. For window seals, there are also lubricants that you can use around the rubber to help keep them fresh and pliable so that they create good seals. In addition, it allows easy movement of the windows up and down and side to side. If your windows start to catch, the felt that they slide on could begin to tear and require a replacement.

7. Change your RV’s oil.

Unlike a car that you do regular maintenance to every 3,000-5,000 miles, an RV tends to sit a lot. It’s important that you do oil changes on a seasonal basis just to make sure that everything is lubricated and running to the best of its ability. For RVs, it’s recommended to change your oil every 3,000-4,000 miles or every year (spring is a great time). If you don’t change the oil, your RV will receive excessive wear and tear on its engine and may require expensive service or even lead you to purchasing a new engine.

8. Replace the air, fuel, coolant, and hydraulic filters in your RV.

Similar to changing your RV’s oils, you need to change the air, fuel, coolant, and hydraulic filters in your RV on a seasonal basis. Usually, we recommend inspections of the air filter, fuel filter, coolant, and hydraulic filters at every oil change. Similar to not changing the oil, you could have excessive wear and tear to your RV’s engine and on the drive train of the RV.

9. Keep your RV’s awning maintained.

It’s important to keep your RV’s awning clean so you don’t get mildew and mold buildup. By inspecting it on a regular basis you can catch and repair any possible tears early on before they start to grow larger. If you don’t clean off your awning during an RV trip, debris could cause nests (bees!) to build up, or items could get stuck and tear the fabric. Depending on what type of damage is done to your awning, a tear in the fabric could cost up to $600. Replacing the awning itself is around $1,300-$1,400.

10. Make sure the electrical connection from your RV to your tow vehicle is working.

The connection from your RV to your tow-vehicle is of critical importance to your safety on a RV trip. This is what transmits your electrical signal from your tow vehicle to your RV, turning on your RV’s brake lights when you hit the brake pedal in your vehicle. This electrical connection gives you and your RV safety when driving on the road both during the day and at night. Another benefit of the electrical connection is that while you’re driving, your tow-vehicle is charging your RV’s battery through the charge circuit. Ultimately, your electrical connection makes sure your RV has good brake activation, a fully charged battery, and makes sure all your lighting is working.


5 Steps to Cleaning Your Car Rims

A gleaming set of wheels can make an ordinary, used car look new. And with just a little time and the right cleaning techniques, you can take your rims to the next level.

Brake dust, a sticky substance caused by friction when you apply the brakes, is highly corrosive and can cause permanent damage if left on metal rims too long. That’s why cleaning your rims regularly is important.

It’s also smart to clean the rims and tires before the rest of your car to keep dirt on the wheels from getting onto and damaging your car’s painted surface.

Now let’s get started. Before cleaning your rims and wheels, make sure you have the right materials.

Must-have materials: wheel cleaner and sponge

Brake dust can be hard to remove without the right cleaner. Select one specifically made for the material your wheels are made of. For instance, rims that are made of roughcast aluminum and chrome can tolerate stronger cleaners than those that are coated, painted or anodized.

The right brush or sponge is important, too. Opt for a natural sea sponge. Their softness and flexibility lets you more easily wipe away debris, as well as get into hard-to-reach areas. Cotton and microfiber cloths are less effective on brake dust and can even scratch your rims with debris that are not completely rinsed out.

The sponge should be used only to clean your wheels and tires. Otherwise, you risk having brake dust stick to the sponge and damage your car’s paint.

Once you have the right materials, it’s time to clean.

Steps to cleaning your rims and wheels

1. Rinse your rims

First, spray your rims and let the water soak in to loosen the grime. After a few minutes, spray with soap and water to further loosen the debris.

2. Apply the appropriate cleaner

Soak one rim at a time so the cleaner doesn’t dry on the wheel. Follow product directions about how long to leave the cleaner on. Opt for a non-acidic wheel cleaner to help prevent any corrosion.

3. Carefully scrub your rims

Thoroughly scrub the rim with a wheel brush and wipe down each of the spokes. You can use the same sponge on the tire, but as mentioned before; don’t use it on the painted surface of your car.

4. Clean the wheel well

Dirt and grime tends to get caught up in the wheel well, so don’t forget to give it a good scrubbing. Try using a tougher brush than you used with the wheels and rims, as there often is more build up in the well.

5. Spray down rims and wheel wells

Scrubbing might dislodge some of the loose dirt in your wheel, so don’t forget to do another round of rinsing. Spray each wheel to remove the excess dirt and repeat if necessary.

When to Replace Your Tires

New tires are an inevitable expense, but telling when it’s time to get new tires may not be widespread knowledge to all drivers. Conflicting information from friends and family, from what you read online, etc. may make diagnosing your tire situation a dubious task.

Here are the five telltale signs you should check to determine if you need new tires.

1. Low tire tread depth

To test tire tread depth insert a quarter upside down into the tread. If it doesn’t cover George Washington’s hairline, it means the tread is less than 4/32 of an inch deep, and it’s about time to bite the bullet and get new tires. In many states, just 2/32 of an inch is considered the minimum legal tread depth. However, more tread is safer.

Tests conducted showed a car going 70 miles per hour with tread of 2/32 of an inch took 5.9 seconds to stop and required a distance nearly double that of a vehicle with new tires. Meanwhile, with treads that were 4/32 of an inch, while it still took 100 feet more to stop and 1.2 seconds longer, this was much better than what was achieved with the minimal 2/32 of an inch tread.

2. Tires are old

No matter how rock-solid the tires were when you first purchased them, time leaves its mark. With age, rubber becomes brittle. In addition, the tire’s reinforcing cords can weaken over time. It’s important to know how often to replace your tires. Even if the tread appears intact, most manufacturers advise you to replace your tires after six years.

If you look at the side of the tire, you’ll see the manufacturer’s code. The last four numbers here indicate the production date. If this is 3009, for example, it means that the tire was produced in the 30th week of 2009 and it may be time to get new tires. In more severe climates where you may routinely deal with extreme heat, the ultraviolet rays of the sun may impart structural changes in your tires. This may mean that you will have to make the change sooner.

3. Tire sidewall cracking

Look beyond the tread to the sidewall of the tires. Are there any noticeable cuts or grooves? If so, you may be wise to purchase new tires, since these can be signs that a leak is developing or that the tire is weakening and may soon blowout.

4. Bulge in tire sidewall

If the tire has begun to weaken, sometimes the rubber may begin to bulge. This is a red flag, indicating that the tire has begun to fail and may unexpectedly blow out at any time, putting you and your passengers in jeopardy.

5. Vibrations while driving

Has the ride recently seemed very rough or have you noticed vibrations while driving? If so, this can be a sign that your tires are indeed shot, and it’s time to put aside your skepticism and get new ones.

8 Tips for Safe Travels this Memorial Day Weekend

With more people on the roads, it’s important to drive safely. Be well rested and alert, use your seat belts, observe speed limits, and follow the rules of the road. 

Other tips for safe travels include:

  1. Give your full attention to the road. Avoid distractions such as cell phones.
  2. Use caution in work zones.
  3. Don’t follow vehicles too closely.
  4. Clean your vehicle’s lights and windows to help you see.
  5. Turn your headlights on as dusk approaches. or during inclement weather.
  6. Don’t let your vehicle’s gas tank get too low. If you have car trouble, pull as far as possible off the road/highway.
  7. Carry a disaster supplies kit in your trunk (i.e. charged cell phone, tire gauge, jumper cables, duct tape, water, blanket, nonperishable snacks).
  8. Let someone know where you’re going (your route and when you expect to get there).

We wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day weekend, and safe travels!

Is It Time to Change My Spark Plugs?

Have you ever tried starting your car and it just stutters? Many assume it’s a faulty battery, but the problem could very well be the spark plugs. This is why it’s so important to keep up with spark plug maintenance and to look out for symptoms of bad spark plugs.

What do spark plugs do?

Using a small bolt of electricity, the spark plug ignites the fuel-air mixture in the engine, which helps your vehicle move. Each spark plug screws into an engine cylinder and connects to the car’s ignition system.

What happens when a spark plug goes bad?

Want to know the signs to look for that can indicate your spark plugs are misfiring? There are a few key symptoms, such as problems with idling, accelerating and fuel economy. We’re going to break down six signs there could be a problem with your spark plugs below.

6 signs of bad spark plugs

1. Irregular upkeep and maintenance

It’s always important to keep up with proper maintenance to ensure a smooth and safe ride. Each car requires a spark plug change at a certain mileage. Check your owner’s manual to see what the mileage is for your vehicle.

2. Rough idling

If you feel excessive shaking or vibrating when your engine is running but not in motion, this is called rough idling. When your spark plugs are misfiring, rough idling may be a symptom.

3. Declining fuel economy

When spark plugs are having trouble producing energy to accelerate your car, more gasoline is used to make up for the bad spark plug. If your vehicle is using more gasoline for starting your car, sitting at a traffic light and driving, your car’s fuel economy is decreasing.

4. Car struggles to start

If your car is just clicking when you try to start it, the cause could be worn-out spark plugs. If the spark plugs can’t produce enough energy to start the combustion process, your car won’t start. Take your car to a professional and have them check out the spark plugs.

5. The engine begins misfiring or pinging

If there is oil on the tip of the spark plug, this can cause the engine to misfire or keep it from starting altogether. It’s important to take your vehicle to a professional if you notice the oil because a repair is necessary. If you don’t repair it, this can damage the catalytic converter, which can be costly to replace.

6. Warning lights come on

If the check engine light comes on in your car, don’t ignore it. This could indicate a problem with the spark plugs or another issue with the engine. Regardless, if the light comes on when you’re driving, you’ll need to find a safe place to pull over and shut off your engine to investigate the issue or take it to a professional to diagnose the issue.

How long do spark plugs last?

Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to know how long your spark plugs last, because the mileage varies per car. Some spark plugs may last only 18,000 miles, while others last 100,000 miles. Make sure to take your car in for regular maintenance to ensure that it’s running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Lastly, make sure you and your vehicle are protected with the right insurance.

How to Keep Your Car from Overheating and What to Do if It Happens

Most drivers have seen it before – a car pulled over on the side of the road with steam or smoke pouring from beneath the hood, the owner looking on nervously. An overheating car isn’t a pretty sight, but what should you do if it happens to you? And what can you do to ensure it doesn’t happen in the first place? We’ll answer both questions and more in this article.

What causes a car to overheat?

Before we get into how overheating can be responded to and prevented, let’s talk about how it actually happens. Your car is designed to resist overheating, so if it has begun to get too hot, that’s often an indication that something is amiss. Here are a few common causes as to why your car may be running hot:


Every modern car is made with a coolant system that helps keep internal temperatures from climbing too high. Leaks, blockages or pump malfunctions in this system can all result in your engine overheating.

Car thermostat

The coolant in your engine is regulated by your car’s temperature gauge, which determines how much is necessary to maintain an appropriate temperature. If anything is wrong with this system, it could be misreading the proper amount of coolant to provide.

Low motor oil

Most drivers know oil plays a crucial role in lubricating a car’s moving parts, but it also removes excess heat from the engine. Accordingly, low oil levels can correspond with high engine temperatures.

Radiator cooling fan

As the name suggests, your radiator fan works to cool your car’s internal temperatures. If it stops running, or even runs at improper levels, that can be enough to cause your car to overheat.

If you’re unsure what’s causing your car to overheat, it’s always a good idea to find a reliable mechanic who can diagnose and service your car, and get protection in case your car overheats while you’re on the road.

What happens when a car overheats?

Fortunately, most cars will not overheat without letting you know. There are several noticeable signs:

  • Steam or smoke coming from beneath your car’s hood
  • A burning or sweet odor coming from your car engine
  • The needle on your temperature gauge pointing toward the red, or “H”, depending on the design of your car

If you notice any of these signs, don’t wait to see if they get worse! Pull over right away and turn your car off to give it a chance to cool down.

What to do when your car overheats

If your car begins to overheat, it’s important to act fast. Running on high heat for too long can cause serious damage and potentially put you and your passengers at risk. Follow these steps at the first sign of overheating:

  • Pull over at the first safe location, put your car in park, and turn off your engine. You’ll want to wait at least 10 minutes to give your car a chance to cool off.
  • Pop your hood and leave it open to allow the hot air to dissipate faster.
  • After you’ve given your car a chance to cool, turn your power back on by rotating your key to its first position in the ignition. This will allow you to check your temperature gauge and see if it has dropped to a safe level without actually turning your engine back on. If your gauge reads a safe temperature and your fluid levels are normal, try starting your engine.

How to keep your car from overheating

Overheating poses a risk to both you and your car, so it’s best to avoid that situation in the first place. From preventative maintenance to tricks you can use in a pinch, there are many ways to help your car stay cool. Here are some of the easiest ways to do it:

  1. Check your temperature gauge – You’ve probably looked at your car’s temperature gauge countless times without taking much notice, but it’s there for a reason! If you ever see the needle point towards the red portion of the dial, that’s a sure sign it’s time to pull over and give your engine a chance to cool off.
  1. Turn on the heat – You read that right, turning on the heat really can help cool off your engine in a pinch. Doing this pulls hot air out of your engine compartment, ultimately cooling your engine. It’s not an ideal solution for you or your passengers, but worth keeping in mind for long drives on hot days.
  1. Add engine coolant – Coolant is the fluid that helps keep your engine from overheating, located in the coolant reservoir under your car’s hood. If temperatures are rising, it’s always a good idea to check your coolant level, indicated by lines on the side of the reservoir. If you’re low, you can add extra coolant yourself, although you should always be careful not to do so if your engine is hot.
  1. Have a mechanic flush your radiator – Just like oil, coolant becomes dirty over time and needs replacing. A mechanic can do this for you in a procedure called a radiator flush, where the old coolant is drained, the radiator is flushed with a cleaning fluid, and new coolant is added. Check your owner’s manual for specifics on how often your vehicle needs this done.
  1. Consider replacing your car’s battery – The less power there is in your battery, the harder your car has to work, putting it at risk of overheating. This may begin to occur if your battery is older than 3 years. Your mechanic can advise you on whether your battery is ready to be replaced. Find out when to change your car battery.
  1. Check the drive belt – Coolant circulates within your car’s engine thanks in part to the drive belt. If your drive belt isn’t functioning properly, there’s a good chance your engine could overheat.
  1. Check the brakes – Ever heard of sticking brakes? Brakes might not be the first place you’d think to look if your engine overheats, but stuck brake calipers can create enough extra drag on your engine to eventually generate a lot of heat. If your mechanic can’t find anything wrong with your engine itself, ask them to take a look at your brakes.
  1. Add engine oil – Coolant doesn’t turn down the temperature all on its own! Engine oil is also responsible for removing excess heat, so if your oil levels dip, your engine temperature may rise enough to cause overheating.
  1. Check the vehicle’s thermostat – Your engine regulates its temperature using an internal thermostat, a valve that controls the flow of coolant. If the thermostat malfunctions, insufficient coolant in your engine can cause overheating.
  1. Get professional maintenance regularly – Many of the issues we’ve just covered can be caught early and prevented by routine maintenance. Have a professional mechanic service your vehicle annually and overheating will be far less likely.

4 Effects Traffic Jams Have on Your Car

Did you know that the average American commuter spends approximately 50 hours in traffic? In fact, one study showed that commuters lose about 42 hours of their lives every year sitting in traffic. But drivers are not the only ones affected. Traffic congestion also takes a toll on your car. How?

The effects of traffic jams on your car emanate from a stop-and-go environment that results in significant wear and tear. The most significant issue is how much you hit the brakes rather than idling. Hitting the brakes repeatedly has the following impact:

1. Gas Waste

Brakes need energy to function. In a traffic jam, you have to balance braking and getting your car up to speed. Even though you’re moving, you’re using a lot of gas as compared to when the vehicle is idling. Nationwide, traffic wastes approximately 3 billion gallons of fuel.

2. Wears Out Brakes

Worn-out brakes are also one of the effects of traffic congestion on a car. Keep in mind that you’re going 10 miles per hour down to nothing repeatedly, and that wears out a lot of stuff. If you’re on brakes a lot, expect pads and other parts of the braking system to wear out. Some common signs that your brakes need replacement include:

  • Car pulls to one side when stopping
  • Brake pedal feels different (softer and sinks to the floor)
  • Steering wheel shakes when stopping
  • Vehicle shakes when stopping
  • Car squeals when stopping

3. Fluids

Unlike oil and coolants, brake fluid neither gets dirty nor evaporates. However, depending on your climate, it can absorb moisture, lowering the boiling temperature. When that occurs, fluid effectiveness reduces, and that could damage your braking system. It’s wise to consult experts to inspect your brake fluids regularly.

Coolant evaporation and oil getting dirty are also some of the effects of traffic jams. Schedule regular inspections with your mechanic to ensure your vehicle performs seamlessly. The five common fluids to check regularly include:

  • Engine oil
  • Transmission fluid
  • Coolant
  • Brake fluid
  • Power steering fluid

It’s worth noting that most fluids need specialists to replace them. Manufacturers also recommend specific fluids for their cars. It’s wise to consult automobile dealers or certified technicians before changing any fluid.

4. Drive Belt

The drive belt, also known as the serpentine belt, is located on a car engine and works with pulleys, idlers, and tensioners inside the drive belt system accessory. It’s a critical component that provides power for the AC, power steering, alternator, and even the water pump for the cooling system.

Generally, drive belts last for five years, or approximately 50,000 miles without hitches. However, over time, the belt fails because of the intense heat and friction experienced every day on the road. Traffic jams may contribute significantly to this kind of wear and tear. If you suspect your drive belt is failing, look for these signs:

  • Squealing sound or noise from your car front
  • Malfunctioning AC and power steering
  • Overheating engine
  • Wear and cracks on the belt


Your car can work perfect mechanically, but it can be virtually undrivable if the cabin smells bad. That may be due to things like spilled milk or takeout containers with bad food in them, but often it’s because the heating, ventilation, and AC system has become contaminated. The musty smell is extremely off-putting and can even make you sick if it’s left untreated.

Correcting a musty AC smell often costs under $200 as a DIY job, or it could be two to three times that much if you take it to a mechanic. Here’s what causes the smell, ways to eliminate the odor, and how to prevent it in the future.



Follow these steps to rid your car’s AC system of musty odors:

  • Replace the Cabin Air Filter – If the filter is dirty or clogged, replace it with a new one. And if you have a musty smell, don’t count on only visual confirmation that it’s dirty. Swap it out.
  • Use an AC System Cleaner – Treat your HVAC system with a high-quality, highly rated AC system cleaner. Follow the instructions on the product.
  • Let Your Car Sit – Wait the specified time on the product before you use your car. The treatment time varies, and often, the longer it sits, the better the treatment result.
  • Perform a Follow-Up Treatment – For stubborn odors or extreme buildup, you might have to perform a subsequent treatment.

In addition to specialized products, you can use common household items for a DIY approach:

  • Vinegar – Mix equal parts water and vinegar and spray it into the air intake vents.
  • Baking Soda – Place an open box of baking soda in your car overnight to absorb odors.
  • Sunlight – Leave your car in direct sunlight with windows slightly open to help dry out moisture and prevent mold growth.

One of the first steps in tackling a musty smell in your car’s air conditioning (AC) system is understanding its root causes. Musty odors often stem from the growth of mold, mildew, or bacteria in the AC system. The dark and damp environment within the AC unit provides an ideal breeding ground for these unpleasant elements.

Common causes include:

  • Accumulated moisture in the evaporator core.
  • Clogged or dirty cabin air filters.
  • Bacteria or mold growth in the cabin air intake and other AC components.

Aside from the obvious discomfort of driving in a car with a musty smell, there are more serious reasons to address the issue promptly. Mold and bacteria can not only compromise the air quality inside your vehicle but may also have negative effects on your health, especially if you suffer from allergies or respiratory issues like asthma. A musty smell that isn’t dealt with can lead to potential damage to your AC system, contributing to more extensive and costly repairs down the road.



To maintain a fresh-smelling car and keep it fresh, incorporate these measures into your routine:

  • Run the AC Regularly – Turn on your AC periodically, even in cooler weather, to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Keep the Cabin Clean – Regularly clean the interior of your car, removing any potential sources of odors.
  • Avoid Eating in the Car – Food crumbs and spills can contribute to unpleasant odors.
  • Use Air Fresheners – Place a long-lasting air freshener in your car to maintain a pleasant scent.