Here’s How Many Miles You Can Drive After the Gas Light Comes On

Driving with the gas light on can be dangerous—for you and your vehicle. Here’s how many miles you can actually drive on empty.

We’ve all driven a bit too long after the gas light comes on, overestimating our gas mileage and pushing our tank to the limit. Whether you were trying to beat rush hour or save money on gas by waiting to fill up, it can be a panic-filled moment looking for the nearest gas station. But just how many miles can you safely drive after the gas light comes on? The exact number will depend on several factors, including the make and model of your car, your driving habits, regular gas mileage and whether you drive a fuel-efficient car, says Kyle MacDonald, vice president of marketing at Force by Mojio, a GPS fleet tracking app for small businesses. You’re not going to get as far, for instance, in a sports car driven aggressively than you will in a compact car driven carefully.

But here’s the good news: You have more wiggle room than you think. While knowing how to find cheap gas, utilizing the best gas apps and best gas credit cards, and understanding how to get better gas mileage can help you avoid running on empty, you can still learn a thing or two about driving with your gas light on and preventing any damage to your engine. Here’s how many miles you should be driving with the gas light on.

How far can you drive after the gas light comes on?

There’s not a standard number of miles you can drive when the gas light comes on, says automotive electrician and road safety expert Robert Muñoz. “Typically, it will light up when the tank is below 10% to 15% of its capacity.” In general, after the gas light comes on, Muñoz says it’s safe to drive about 20 to 30 miles in a smaller vehicle or up to 50 miles in a larger vehicle.

Does a car’s make or model affect how many miles you can drive after the gas light comes on?

Yes, the type of car you have makes a big difference. A car with a 10-gallon gas tank might have one gallon remaining when the light comes on. A Ram 1500 truck, however, will have around three to four gallons of gas left. Consider each car’s mpg: If a small city car with a 10-gallon gas tank gets about 40 mpg, it could probably make it 40 miles to the next gas station. Meanwhile, a Ram 1500, which gets around 30 mpg on the highway, could make it as far as 100 miles after the gas light comes on. Typically, when the gas light goes on, about two to four gallons are left in the tank.


Tips for Driving on the Highway for the First Time

Driving on the highway for the first time can be nerve racking, which is why it’s common for new drivers to only navigate local roads until they gain enough real-world experience to venture onto the interstate. Once a new driver is ready to take on a highway, being fully prepared can help a beginner make a smooth and safe transition from local roads to the interstate.

Here are some highway driving tips that new drivers should consider before driving on the highway for the first time.

1. Pick the right time to start driving on the highway
If you’re planning your first highway drive, you want to pick the right time and place. Consider starting off on a highway that isn’t too busy, or during a time of day when less drivers are on the road. You also want to drive on a bright, clear day without any rain, snow or fog that could decrease visibility.

2. Start off driving in the right lane
When you’re driving on the highway for the first time, you should only drive in the right lane. Young drivers really have no business heading into the left lane, which is intended for passing. “Staying in the right lane will help them interact with traffic coming onto the freeway, and they’ll maintain their speed easier there,” says Maria A. Wojtczak, who owns and operates DrivingMBA, a driver’s-ed business in Arizona.

3. Leave enough space to change lanes
Establishing proper speed and distance remains key to managing a lane change on an interstate. Drivers should leave four to six seconds-worth of space between their car and the vehicle in front of them as they maneuver. You should also routinely check the rear-view, side-view mirror and blind spot before switching over. More space means you have more time to avoid a collision or react to debris on the highway.

4. Use turn signals when merging and changing lanes
Young drivers must get in the habit of using their blinkers constantly, even if they believe their intentions are obvious. “Blinkers are the only way we have to communicate with other drivers,” says Chris Duquin, owner of Stevens Driving School, which has several locations in the state of New York. “It’s amazing how often drivers cause problems by not using them on highways.”

5. Keep a wide viewpoint
Newer drivers tend to stare at what’s right in front of them. But highway speeds and unpredictability demand a wider viewpoint. “They need to look closely in front of their vehicle, but also farther down the road and into the rear-view,” Duquin says. “Good drivers continuously adjust their observation points.”

6. Keep your cool while driving
Learning to drive on the highway is about more than proper driving—it’s also about making sure a young driver’s maturity level is up to the task. “They must understand never to take anything personally, especially on a highway,” says Michael Soubirous, a retired California Highway Patrol lieutenant who now writes a local newspaper column in Riverside, Calif., called “On the Road.” “If someone cuts you off, let it go. You never know the mental state of the other party and maybe they simply made a mistake. Drivers are not perfect, after all.”

7. Stay focused on the road
According to the CDC, drivers under the age of 20 have the highest proportion of distraction-related fatal crashes. That’s why it’s crucial to stay focused on the highway. Don’t text on your phone, try to change music or be distracted by talking to friends while driving on the highway. Find out ways to prevent teen distracted driving.

Driving Tips for New Drivers

Congratulations on your new driver’s license! Your license is an exciting step toward independence and adulthood, but it’s also a big responsibility. Remember, what you do in the driver’s seat not only affects you but everyone else on the road, too.

We’ve put together some of the best tips for new drivers to help you stay safe and have fun on the road.

From road signs to right-of-way, there are rules drivers are required to understand and follow. Following the speed limit, leaving adequate space between you and the car in front of you, obeying traffic signals, and wearing your seatbelt are just a few of them. Learning and applying traffic rules will help you have a safe and relaxed time on the road — and it will help the other drivers around you be safe and relaxed, too. Plus, following traffic rules can help keep you away from traffic tickets, which are expensive and could raise your car insurance rates.

According to, “Teens are more likely than older drivers to speed and allow shorter headways (the distance from the front of one vehicle to the front of the next).” The higher your speed, the less time you have to stop your car, and the worse any impact and subsequent injuries will likely be. Braking distance increases exponentially at speeds over 45 MPH.

Taking care of your car can help you avoid breakdowns and other potential accidents. Car care includes regular oil changes and tune-ups, checking tire pressure (don’t forget the spare!), regular tire rotation, checking brake fluid and coolant levels, and filling up the gas tank before it hovers too close to “E.” For your car to take care of you, you need to take care of it. As a new driver, don’t add to the variables of being behind the wheel by letting your car maintenance slide.

Always. And make sure your passengers wear theirs, too. “Among teen drivers and passengers 16–19 years of age who died in car crashes in 2018, almost half were unrestrained at the time of the crash (when restraint use was known),” reports

Distracted driving claimed 2,841 lives in 2018 alone, reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. So keep your eyes on the road. That means no texting, no calling, no eating, no channel surfing on the radio, and no turning around to talk with friends in the backseat. Accidents can happen in a split second, but if you’re paying attention, you’ll have a better chance of avoiding one.

One of the best tips for new drivers is to take the time to set yourself up for your drive while you’re still in your driveway. Choose your music, set your GPS, put your phone on Do Not Disturb, and make sure any important communication is completed or paused before your drive.

No, not your bling. We’re talking about making sure your seat is in a comfortable spot and checking all mirrors to make sure they give you visibility of your car’s blind spots. How to check? A vehicle overtaking from behind you should start to appear in the side mirror just as it’s disappearing from the center rear view mirror. As a tip for new drivers, especially, do this before you start your drive, not when your vehicle is moving.

Following too closely is a leading cause of rear-end accidents. Just remember the 3-second rule: Pick an object on the road ahead (like a sign, tree, or overpass), and when the vehicle in front of you passes the object slowly count “one-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand.” If you reach the object before completing the count, you’re following too closely.

Remember: if the car in front of you slams on their brakes and you rear-end them, it could mean a ticket for you, a lawsuit from the other driver, and an expensive bill from your insurer.

In case of accidents, breakdowns, or other emergencies, your car should always contain critical driving documents and an emergency kit with everything you’d need for an extended time in your vehicle. Ensure you have things like your vehicle registration, proof of insurance, and driver’s license handy. A good emergency kit also includes water, non-perishable snacks, an emergency blanket, flashlights, road hazard cones and possibly flares, jumper cables, essential tools, and a small amount of the oil and coolant your car requires.

Rain, wind, and snow can all make driving more difficult and dangerous. If it’s wet out, make sure your headlights are on, slow down, and increase your following distance. Braking takes longer when roads are slick — sometimes as much as ten times the braking distance as on a dry roadway. Most importantly, if the conditions are too treacherous, it’s better to stay off the roads until you’ve mastered the art of winter driving.

Driving under the influence includes being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or lack of sleep. Nobody should have to tell you how severe the consequences can be. Just don’t do it. Request a rideshare or call a friend or loved one to take you where you need to be.

Now get out there and drive! Practice makes perfect.