Top Tips to Take Care of Your Car If You Don’t Drive Often

From cutting out a commute to putting a car in storage for the season, there are plenty of reasons why you might not be driving your vehicle as often as you used to. But don’t let it sit collecting dust — follow these steps to maintain your car and keep it ready to hit the road:

Keep your car covered
If your home has a garage or a carport, consider parking your car inside to protect it from the elements and inclement weather. If your home doesn’t have a garage or carport and you have to park outside, consider buying a weatherproof and UV resistant car cover to protect your vehicle’s paint from accidental scrapes and protect its interior from UV damage.

Take your car for a spin twice a month.
On average, a car can sit unused for up to a month without the battery draining. To avoid finding a dead battery when it’s finally time to hit the road, take it for a 20- to 30-minute drive at least twice a month. This will also allow fluids and oil to circulate and keep your car’s critical systems lubricated.

Keep the gas tank full
While it may seem like a waste to buy gas for a car you aren’t driving regularly, you’ll be glad you filled your tank, as moisture can build up in an empty gas tank as the weather changes, which can lead to damage.

Follow the manufacturer’s recommended oil change schedule
If you’re planning on keeping your vehicle off the road for more than three months at a time, change the oil before putting it in long-term storage. If you’re still driving your vehicle occasionally but you aren’t driving it enough to hit the mileage interval for an oil change, check your owner’s manual to see how long you can wait before getting an oil change.

Check your tire pressure before driving
Your car’s tires can slowly lose pressure, especially if it sits for an extended period. Before driving your car again, check each tire’s air pressure and — if it’s lower than the manufacturer’s recommended air pressure level, which is measured in pounds per square inch — inflate each tire to the correct level.

Regularly check for pests
A sitting vehicle is the perfect home for pests like rodents and insects. To prevent these unwanted tenants from moving into your vehicle, regularly inspect inside your car’s trunk and cabin for unwanted visitors. While inspecting your vehicle, also be sure to check under the hood, as wasps and bees can squeeze in and start building a hive.

Keep your car insured
Cancelling your car insurance policy may seem like an easy way to save money if you’re not driving your vehicle often, but it’s illegal to drive your car at all without coverage — and if you’re involved in an accident, you’ll have to pay for expensive repairs out of pocket. Luckily, you can update your car insurance coverage to reflect the fact that you’re not driving as much as you used to, which could result in a lower premium.

Why is your check engine light on?

When your car’s internal computer identifies a problem with the engine or transmission, it turns on the check engine light. The reasons for a check engine light turning on can range from something minor like a loose gas cap to something more serious like a faulty catalytic converter. It could even be a sign of internal engine failure. Ignoring the problem can turn a potentially quick fix into a costly and time-consuming repair.

Why is your check engine light on?
Common minor and major reasons for a check engine light to turn on include:
Loose gas cap
An internal problem in the engine
An issue with or even theft of the catalytic converter
Faulty spark plug, spark plug wires, or ignition coils
Malfunctioning oxygen sensor
Damaged mass airflow sensor
A bad tank of gas

What to do when your check engine light comes on
Once you notice your check engine light has come on, pay attention to how the car is driving. Does something feel off? If so, reroute yourself to the nearest mechanic to get the car checked out. If the car seems to be running fine, you can check a few things on your own before heading to the mechanic.

There are a couple of simple solutions if your check engine light came on after getting gas. A loose gas cap is one of the most common reasons for the check engine light to go on. Check that your gas cap is screwed on securely and that it’s in good condition.

If you have a tank of bad gas in the car, your check engine light may come on. For example, if your vehicle is designed to run on premium gas (octane grade 91 to 94), the engine may struggle to run on regular gas (octane level 87). You can safely solve this problem by having a professional drain your gas tank. If you must drive until the tank is empty again, this may not cause severe damage, as long your car doesn’t show signs of overheating or poor engine performance.

Do you suspect something else caused your check engine light to turn on? The most foolproof method to check the engine light is to read the diagnostic code in the car’s internal computer. If you have experience working with cars, you can do this at home with an OBD-II scanner. Otherwise, head to your local service station where a mechanic can read the diagnostic code and determine the correct fix.

Why you shouldn’t ignore your check engine light.
The check engine light is sometimes confused with the maintenance required light, although the two are unrelated. The maintenance required light goes on when your car is due for routine service. Examples of routine services include an oil change. However, the check engine light is an indication that something unexpected has occurred.

Some later car models have check engine lights in different colors and modes to help you determine how severe the issue is. If your car has this feature and your check engine light flashes on and off intermittently or glows red, it’s a sign you should get your car to a mechanic as soon as possible. Depending on your car’s make and model, a solid yellow or orange light may indicate lower severity. However, it’s still a sign that you should make an appointment to diagnose and fix the problem.

What are the implications of ignoring your check engine light?
Ignoring the light and putting off a visit to the mechanic could result in more costly and time-consuming issues you’ll have to deal with in the future. The problem that caused your check engine light to turn on in the first place may get worse or impact other aspects of your car’s engine or transmission. Ignoring the problem could lead to more long-term damage that your car insurance may not cover.

You also won’t be able to pass your next car inspection until the check engine light is off and you have resolved the problem. Your best option is to get the issue resolved quickly. If you’re concerned about affording unexpected engine repairs on your car, consider mechanical breakdown insurance.


Wintry weather can take its toll on cars and difficult driving conditions can catch you by surprise.

But with a bit of planning, you can ensure your car is ready for the winter weather.

Below we provide a run-down of essential maintenance tips.

Check your oil level is between the minimum and maximum mark on your car’s dipstick. The RAC says one in three vehicles its patrols attend are dangerously low on oil[1], which can lead to a breakdown or engine damage. You should check the oil level once your car is fully warmed up. A cold car will look low on oil. Remember, too much oil can be as bad as too little.

You should check you have plenty of fuel in your tank, too. Don’t try and eek out the last few miles if your fuel light comes on. It might be nice and warm in your car, but it’s better to go out into the cold at a petrol station rather than end up stranded on the side of the road.

Cars get extremely dirty in winter months, not least because of all the salt on the roads. So it’s particularly important to keep your lights clean – you can just wipe them over with a cloth if your car doesn’t have headlamp washers.

You can lose an estimated 40% of luminosity in about 20 miles on a damp, gritted motorway, according to road safety charity IAM RoadSmart[2].

Wipe down your number plate too. You could face a fine if you drive around with an unreadable registration plate. Also, have someone stand outside the car and check all the lights work properly.

A flat or faulty battery is the number one cause of vehicle breakdowns, according to both the RAC[3] and Green Flag[4], and the risk of battery failure is greater in cold, wet and icy weather.

Aim to change your car’s battery every three years if possible, or sooner if it’s causing you problems in the cold weather.

Green Flag says warning signs of battery failure include the engine turning over more slowly than usual when you start it. Also, the red battery light in the instrument display may flicker when you’re driving or take longer than usual to go out after you’ve started the engine.

Many people don’t know what the warning lights on their dashboard mean – as we demonstrated in a street survey.

So with winter closing in, now would be a good time to get to know what all of these lights mean. And if one appears on your dashboard, get it checked out as soon as possible.

How well do you know the warning lights in your car? Test you knowledge with our quiz.

Worn tyres are dangerous at any time, but especially as stopping distances increase in icy, snowy or wet conditions.

Tyres need a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm by law, but experts recommend you change tyres at 3mm to maintain safe stopping distances[5]. Don’t forget to check you have a roadworthy spare too.

If you drive on rural or uneven roads, consider investing in some snow chains/socks or winter tyres.

Check your wipers are in good condition, with no tears or holes, and can clean your windscreen properly. You can give them a wipe with a clean cloth every now and then. But, as Auto Windscreens warns, don’t pull wiper blades off frozen glass or turn them on if the screen is iced over, as the rubber may tear.

You’ll need plenty of washer fluid too – it’s surprising how often you need to do this in the winter when wet, muddy or salty roads increase the amount of spray hitting your windscreen. Not only is it dangerous to not have fluid in a vehicle’s screen washer bottle, it’s illegal too.

Antifreeze stops the water in the engine’s cooling system from freezing, so make sure yours is topped up.

Coolant should be changed every 2 – 5 years, depending on the car and the type of coolant required.

Like many of the tips above, this is important all year-round, but winter just makes it that bit more urgent.

A service is usually recommended every 12,000 miles or every 12 months, whichever comes sooner. But every car is different, so check your owner’s handbook for the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule. In some areas, it can take a couple of weeks for the garage to fit you in for a service, plan ahead and make sure you’re booked in in good time.

Your brakes need to be in tip-top condition, especially in winter.

If they squeal, make other noises or generate unusual sensations, get them checked. If you’re taking your car out after a few days left unused in the cold, set off gently in case the discs, calipers or handbrake have frozen up.

Ensure you have the items below in your car, just in case:
– Ice scraper and de-icer
– Warning triangle
– Warm clothing and a blanket, rug or -sleeping bag
– Practical footwear like wellies
– Torch and batteries
– Mobile phone and charger

Most Important Car Maintenance Tips

Basic vehicle maintenance keeps your car running smoothly and can prevent breakdowns and even accidents. Some of these tasks you can do yourself, while others require taking your vehicle to a mechanic for annual car maintenance. Your manufacturers’ handbook will let you know how often regular maintenance is needed and the frequency that your car will need to be serviced. Follow these car maintenance tips to keep your vehicle in good working order:

Tip 1: Take Care of Your Tires
Keeping your tires in good condition isn’t just important for vehicle maintenance. Tires in poor condition pose a dangerous threat to the safety of you and your loved ones. Here are a few tire care items to be mindful of:

Tire pressure – Check your tires’ pressure at least once a month. Underinflated tires affect your fuel efficiency and cost you money.
Tire rotation – Rotate the tires every 5,000-8,000 miles.
Tire condition – Inspect your tires regularly – at the same time you’re checking the tread – for any signs of bulges or bald spots. If you spot any of these danger signs, have the tire replaced as soon as possible.
Uneven wear – Uneven wear on a tire indicates wheel alignment problems. Have the wheels aligned properly as soon as possible.
Spare tire – It’s easy to forget that spare tire stuck in the back of your car. Check it at least once a month to ensure it’s usable if you find yourself having to replace a flat.

Tip 2: Check Fluids
At least every 5,000 miles, check and refill your fluids. These include:

Changing the oil
Checking brake, coolant and/or antifreeze, transmission, washer and power steering fluids.

Tip 3: Check the Battery
When your battery goes dead, you’re stuck. Checking the battery regularly can help you avoid this uncomfortable situation.

You can have your mechanic check the battery or do it yourself via a car battery tester.

Tip 4: Check the Lights
Check your exterior and interior lights regularly.

Besides the headlights, make sure your indicators, brake lights and fog lights are in good working order.

Tip 5: Get an Annual Inspection
At least once a year, or according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, take your car in for servicing. Your mechanic will check the fuel filters, brake pads and spark plugs and replace them if needed.

The mechanic will also flush the radiator to get rid of the old fluid and replace it with new fluid.

Other annual maintenance includes checking the ABS sensor, timing belt and fuel pressure regulator.